Outdoor Home Audio & Video Austin – TV and Sound System

Whole Home & Outdoor A/V System overlooking Lake Travis
Austin and Central Texas folks enjoy their time in the great outdoors, as long as the summer is not in full swing. Well, I’ll rephrase that statement if there is a lake behind their homes, a natural water source (most stay dried up) or a swimming pool in the backyard! In general though, Austin Texas is a nice place to hang out in the great outdoors (backyards) about 2/3 of the year, and if you have a way to stay wet and cooled down, the summer can fare well too. With that being said, we are seeing growth in outdoor audio video system design and installation clients, and understandably so. Wireless technology allows homes that are not built for outdoor systems to be an affordable option, and additionally, many homes are now pre-wired for outdoor home entertainment systems that include high powered audio speakers, TV’s, and even outdoor video projectors and screens in Austin. If you have an outdoor kitchen or swimming pool, you must have a way to entertain your guests in your backyard, and audio/video and home automation technology is pretty adaptive to whatever you or we can conjure. Lets get creative! We’ve recently created a surround sound setup for an entire backyard that has worked out very nicely, and we are now replicating this idea with slight adjustments over and over again. Here is a look at the system with outdoor audio and video projector. Of course, we accompany the video system with a Screen Innovations screen – the best in screens and born & manufactured 100% here in Austin Texas!

Outdoor Home Theater for Bee Cave, TX Client