Custom Home Theater Design & Installation

Custom Home Theater Systems
Dedicated Home Theater rooms bring families a wealth of enjoyment from movies, to sports, gaming, and more. We approach every home theater room as a unique project, which it always is. No home theaters are identical. In fact, you really have the ability to go mild or wild, and that is where the fun comes in for us. Like building a house for a builder, our version of building a house is designing and building a custom home theatre with our clients. You have all sorts of options for your Austin media room space, from high quality HiFi Audio to 3D video, 4k video, Lighting, Automation Control, Deep Bass via in wall or stand alone subwoofers, seating and custom woodwork, and much more. Here is a list to consider when you are thinking about a project at your home:
Give us a call today at 512-589-1747 to get your Austin Home Theater on the right track towards the goals and dreams that you have in mind, or we will work with you to craft a plan for designing a room that matches your budget and goals.